
I enjoys creating things with my own hand. It's the whole idea that I am the creator (GOD) of the creation is very intriguing. I've tried numerous handcraft:

  • knitting
I can knit yarn into clothes and bags. I learned knitting out of library books. It was out of my curiosity; I was obsessed with the idea making anything you want with yarn and two large needles. 

  • Clay Crafting
I was an animation student. My lecturer thought me how to make a maquette; I can do it! I can shape the object out of clays. It was real fun!

master piece!

  • Sewing
It's my current obsession. I made numbers of bags without any knowledge on sewing at all. First few attempts are terrible; I was out of materials. But now it's getting better and I am considering to make it part of my life. 

  • Painting
I am an artist. I love playing with colors and shape. Haven't got too much time on it yet, but will be doing it more often in the future.